Monday, December 11, 2017

Unbelievable: These 3D Printing Materials Are Out Of This World!

If you think glow in the dark and magnetic filaments were cool then you’ll definitely be blown away by these materials! Check out some of the craziest filaments which are available and some that are soon to come!

Moon-dust and Mars dirt

Looks like science fiction ideas are soon becoming a reality this year! Researchers from the Northwestern University have managed to 3D print structures made out of dust from Mars and the Moon!

The unique 3D paint used for this project was created using NASA-approved lunar and Martian dust simulant. And the 3D printed structures themselves are made of more than 90% dust but it’s impossible to tell.

In fact, it may be made out of space rocks but this 3D printed material is flexible, elastic, and tough, and shares a lot of characteristics with rubber. After being printed, it can be cut, rolled, folded, and more.

Edible Cannabis

3D Printing seems to be reaching all new highs(see what we did there?) thanks to the latest innovation. Named as Potent Rope, it is a new edible 3D printing material made out of cannabis! This could be a big boon for cannabis users who prefer edibles to other forms of consumption!

That means you can print AND consume your design! HOW COOL!

The creators of this Print Rope- Ashley and Paige have been working on this idea for almost three years now and) are now looking to produce their “green” filament on large-scale. The timing seems to be perfect, with legalization occurring across the U.S. and elsewhere.

The other advantages to using Potent Rope are that users can try out different combinations of ingredients and create a new strain of their own, choosing from Sativa, Indica, CBD, or THC oils.


Fly ash is a residue left over from burning coal and has long been dumped in landfills In India and China where burning of coal serves as a source of energy. So why not take full advantage of burning coal and everything that comes with it?

Researchers in  Singapore have come up with a 3D printable geopolymer mortar (concrete) which is created from fly ash. The mixture also contains steel slag and various secret chemicals.

What can this be used for you ask? In 3D printing construction! And you could even build houses with it.

The best thing about this 3D printable concrete is that no materials need to be made from scratch would  and so it would reduce its carbon footprint.

Food Waste

Have you heard of the BARBARA project? Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020, this initiative plans to make 3D printed parts from food waste!

“Food waste and agricultural by-products will be used to purify pigments, fragrances, reinforcing agents or biocide compounds, which will be incorporated into engineered bioplastic derived from corn processing industries. “

Wouldn’t it be nice if the three-year project resulted in an effective method for turning organic waste into 3D printing materials? We wish the project a lot of success.

Sculptable filament

If you are an artist, you probably want to get your hands on this material!

Unitika, a Japanese advanced materials company, is trying to make a 3D printing material that can be sculpted after printing. With the help of thermosensitive materials, the material should be malleable and soften in order to be sculpted.

Of course, it would be a disaster for most use cases if your 3D printed part changed shape after you touched it. But for certain applications like medicine and art, this material could be a huge boon.

What’s even better, the material can be permanently fixed into shape by treating it with higher temperatures, e.g., with boiling water.

The material, which Unitika plans to launch next year, will be available in 1.75 mm diameter and should be printed at 190-220°C, on a print bed heated no higher than 45°C. Unheated print beds are also fine.

While waiting for these materials to become widely available why not take a look at a variety of filaments available at our Store?


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