Saturday, February 10, 2018

Make your dream come true by living in one of these 3D Printed Houses.

3D Printing is really fascinating sometimes, it gives you possibilities where you see a little hope, by making its way into almost every field. You can see 3D Printing in manufacturing, medical, fashion etc.

Yes! it’s possible to create almost anything via 3D printing may it be 3D printed cars3d printed machines, 3d printed accessories,3D printed shoes etc.  3D Printed houses are getting much popular as a machine printing a whole house without any manpower is quite mesmerizing, you just need to have the design ready, a proper filament and a worthy 3D Printer.

Apis Cor

This 3D printed house is going viral on the internet the reason being it was printed in less than 24 hours. A house made in less than a day is hard to imagine but 3D Printing has made this possible.A Russian company, Apis Cotr has made this happen with a mobile printer and a mobile 3D printer and automatic mix and supply unit, developed specifically by Apis Cor.The total construction cost of the house $10,134.

The important components of the house including walls, partitions, and building envelope were created with a concrete mixture.

The remaining fixtures like furnishing and windows were later added on, and a shiny coat of paint was added to the exterior of the house.


Ideal for the off-grid living, Ukrainian company is making this house as a stand-alone and energy efficient concept.

The basic motto behind this house is it can be built without external structures like water tanks, plumbing and can exist autonomously and sustainably with zero carbon emission. This house is pre-constructed in a factory and then can be deployed so quickly that anyone can move places within a day of buying the house.

A number of features make the PassivDom sustainable like the walls are 3D printed, the windows are made with an insular material for air and heat management and it runs totally on solar energy. As the need for compact and more compact houses is growing so is the demand for PassivDom kind of houses. They have off-grid optional connections for important elements like water and energy. The housing units are being sold for between €29,900 and €64,900.

Earthquake-Proof Modular Homes

Image of 3D Printed House/Structure: Earthquake-Proof Modular Homes

A 500 square meter villa by the Chinese architect group  Zhuoda Group , constructed in the factory and then ship it to the construction site.It could be built completely in 15 days. The company guarantees the house to withstand a level 9 Richter scale and can survive to 150 years.

“Infinite” Landscape House

Have you heard about Mobius strip Infinite loop? If not, then you can see this house which is exactly constructed in the same manner as the Mobius strip by a Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars. He has created a huge D-shaped printer in order to build what he has named the “Landscape House”.

It has a 1000 square meter of space and it can be used for exhibitions.This innovative printer is created by Enrico Dini and can print up to almost a six-meter-by-six-meter square. The way it works is like a normal 3D printer, as it builds up fine layers just 5-10mm thick with the help of a computer. It creates an illusion that you can walk through the house until the end of time.

Upstate New York House

 D-Shape Enterprises and NYC architect Adam Kushner present a 2400 square feet house with a totally classy touch.The Italian 3D Printing pioneer Enrico Dini, the founder of D-Shape Enterprises has made these house, built in Upstate and taken over by Kushner and his wife.

The property includes a jacuzzi, car garage and a swimming pool. Their printing process begins by collecting dust, sand, and gravel. These raw materials are mixed with magnesium base so that to create a printable construction material. The printer is capable of making building blocks of 6-by-6 meter cube and the collaborative effort is still being continued to complete the project.

Freedom space

Designed by WATG Urban, the Curve Appeal home won the Freeform Home Design Challenge in 2016 – and it’s slated to break ground this year after a research and development phase.

The undulating slopes and space-age design so the name  Curve appeal. The home allows efficient technology binding with the surroundings and nature.

The global design competition challenges the architects to come up with new innovative ideas and theories for the real world living.So there is a lot going on in the 3D Printing age and we need to stay updated wit the trend.

It is like a dream come true to stay in one of these 3D Printed houses. So get ready for exploring a  whole new world of architecture with 3D Printing industry. You can get your own 3d printer at Geeetech.You can check more about the 3D Printed houses here.


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